As I was writing these two posts (https://3ppsychologies.com/2020/03/23/resources-52-covid-19-10-more-activities-for-home-you-are-not-alone/ https://3ppsychologies.com/2020/03/13/resources-48-covid-19-survival-tips-for-parents-10-activities-for-home/), I found I had more ideas and suggestions coming so here is another text and resources about another 10 activities to do at home during a self-isolation period.

  1. Visit museums online: This link was shared in some forums. You can visit many museums around the world via an online platform. https://hellogiggles.com/news/museums-with-virtual-tours/?fbclid=IwAR0rY_yo3gN8TNpULY13GbwsixWYZwGrRC1E4HSf2JM0VDU5LJ26Y8d_zZ8
  2. Audiobooks: Audiobooks can be great for children either to help them feel calmer going to sleep or to vary their learning experiences. This company has announced free audiobooks for children. https://stories.audible.com/start-listen
  3. Science Experiments: Children are fascinated by science experiments. Some may prefer art and some others may prefer science experiments. It is important to vary activities to offer a wide range of learning experiences. There are lots of videos on Youtube or here is a link to different science experiment ideas. https://www.google.com/search?rls=en&q=pinterest+science+experiments&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=safari&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiq7O_oocPoAhXfyDgGHfaXBPkQsAR6BAgIEAE&biw=2028&bih=1310 and
  4. Posters for bedroom wall: Children like being to make their place their own. Choosing pictures for the wall and making a feature of it can be a great activity for them.Cutting and arranging flowers
  5. Mood Boards are a visual representation of how we feel using lots of different materials, images, art, magazines, drawings, etc. It can also be done using free graphic designer programs such as Canva. It can be a great activity to sit together and create a mood board and discuss how we are feeling. Here is a link to different ideas https://www.google.com/search?q=mood+boards+kids&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwic0-alq8PoAhUUGrcAHRTPBJ0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=mood+boards+kids&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIGCAAQCBAeOgQIABBDUK3SBFja2ARgm9oEaABwAHgAgAG3AYgBnwaSAQMwLjWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=5H6CXpzRHJS03LUPlJ6T6Ak&bih=1310&biw=2028&client=safari
  6. Campfire – If you have a fireplace in the house or outside, why not make a special time all together to sit around the fire, tell stories, sing songs and play campfire games (like I start a story and the other one continues, or the Whisperer/Telephone). You could even make some Smores or Encore (2 biscuits, a piece of chocolate and a marshmallow in a sandwich, melted in in foil).
  7. Journalling – You can encourage children to journal their experience of being at home using drawings, keywords or sentences.
  8. Family Recipe Book – You can take the time to put together all the family recipe in a book and ask the children to draw or photograph ingredients or the full final product if you have cooked it together.
  9. Labelling features in the house in a different language – It can be a helpful way to learn a language as it becomes visual using the object and a word. You can then practice together at saying the words and using these in a sentence. You could also have an activity where coffee, tea, biscuits are served in the language, ideal for the French Cafe experience.
  10. In our garden, there are lots of flowers growing at the moment. Picking flowers and arranging them, learning their names, etc. can be a particularly mindful and peaceful activity. Bringing nature in also brightens up the house.

Choosing and printing posters for a bedroom wall


Pascale is an educational and child psychologist (UK)/educational and developmental psychologist (AU) working in private practice, a university clinic and supporting professionals online via individual, group, webinars and training.

Some Other Ideas

Bear Grylls suggest 100 activities for the great indoors in self-isolation. Yes there is some Scouting in the activities I suggested!


I came across this for Parents themselves…

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Additional Resources


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