#Resource Diary Entry 37: Self-Identity and Autism

UhJRJTXFQoCfPk0Zl5kgCAGreat story about self-identity and autism. The zebra feels that he stands out from others because of his autism. He also feels that everyone only sees him with his autism. His mother helps him navigate these feelings by facilitating his thinking about other qualities he has, referred to as his other stripes. They explore qualities such as honesty, caring and curiosity.

The book also offers Guidance and Notes to Parents/Caregivers as support to the story and links to supporting literature and sites on autism.

Great book for a classroom as a support tool, a parent supporting their child or an individualised session with a child questioning their self-identity.

Rudolph, S. & Royer, D. (2014). All My Stripes. American Psychological Association: Washington, DC.

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